Caravan gay bar chicago

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She's been a bartender at Jeffery Pub for 11 years. 'We’ve got guys that come here that are 19, 20 and say, ‘How old you have to be in there?’ They know about the bar and can’t wait to get in.” Photo: Max Herman Bartender Charlotte “Smoke” Thompson stands for a portrait at the entrance to the patio. “Everyone knows about this bar on the South Side,' he says. By the mid-60s, it was fully a gay bar.” Photo: Max Herman Davis started working at Jeffery Pub in 1993, but has been coming to the bar since the '70s. And when Maxine’s abruptly closed, even though this was a straight bar, gay people started coming here.

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across the street there on the corner, there was a gay bar called Maxine’s. Jeffery Ave.) has been a neighborhood institution since the 1960s, but according to bartender Lee “Mr.

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